NAPFA Foundation Pro-Bono Service Award

NAPFA基金会的公益服务奖旨在表彰NAPFA成员的社区服务工作,这些成员贡献了他们的时间和财务规划专业知识来帮助那些需要帮助的人,以便在未来取得积极的财务成果. 该奖项颁发给财务顾问或财务规划公司,以表彰他们对非营利组织做出的重大无偿贡献, 社会服务机构或个人直接通过自己的公司.

Award Details

2023 NAPFA Foundation Pro Bono Service Award Recipient

Abacus Wealth Partners

Neela Hummel于2009年作为Abacus Wealth Partners的实习生开始了她的金融职业生涯, 后来获得了CFP®,并逐步晋升为财务顾问, partner, 在2021年被任命为Abacus的联席首席执行官之前,担任首席顾问官, alongside Mary Beth Storjohann.

During her time at Abacus, Neela has served two terms on its Board of Directors, 制定行业领先的育婴假政策(6个月带薪休假), and launched the company’s women’s initiative, the Abacus Sisterhood. 她帮助Abacus成长为一家价值观一致的公司,通过灵活的政策支持性别平等, career path creation, and compensation transparency. 因此,Abacus超过50%的顾问是女性,而行业标准是20%.

尼拉的工作重点是增强和提升女性在金融领域的地位. Throughout her career, 尼拉一直是女性转行者和下一代人才的忠实导师. She has also led workshops and lectures, taught courses, 她曾在“女性投资大会”和FPA的“下一代聚会”等会议上发表主题演讲. 同时,她致力于在金融行业工作,指导领导者和利益相关者建立一个更具包容性和性别平等的行业.

Over the course of her career, 尼拉被《三亿体育app》评为最具影响力的女性, by Investment News' “40 under 40” for financial advisors, has appeared on ABC 7 News and Your Money (Sirius FM). 她曾在包括Work Your Wealth, the People's Tax Page和RIA Edge在内的播客中担任嘉宾. Neela has been a frequent contributor to the Abacus blog, and has appeared in articles in Forbes, Investment News, CNBC, FPA, Financial Planning, Financial Advisor Magazine, US News, Men’s Health, and the LA Times.

玛丽•贝丝•斯托约翰是Abacus Wealth Partners的联合首席执行官. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, author, 演讲者和播客主持人,在金融服务行业有18年的经验. 在成功创办并发展自己的RIA公司后,她于2019年加入Abacus,担任首席营销官. 2022年,她与尼拉·哈梅尔(Neela Hummel)被任命为联合首席执行官.

A believer that “actions speak louder than words,斯托约翰以在金融服务行业引发对话和变革而闻名,他倾向于不舒服的对话和决定,以帮助创造一个更公平的行业. She is a fierce advocate for women, diversity, equity & inclusion, aligning your money with your values, 为服务不足的人群提供金融建议.

Mary Beth以金融专家的身份频繁出现在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的节目中,并在《三亿体育app》(The Wall Street Journal)等主要媒体上做过专题报道, Glamour, NPR, The New York Times, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, CNBC, Forbes, and more.

她的荣誉包括Big Path Capital评选的“100位最具影响力的ceo”, “Top 40 Under 40” by Investment News, 《安卓版下载》杂志评选的“值得关注的10位年轻理财顾问”, 她还被Investopedia评为十大最具影响力的顾问之一,该榜单旨在表彰在有关金融知识的关键对话中做出重大贡献的金融顾问, investing strategies, life-stage planning, and wealth management.

2021 NAPFA Foundation Pro-Bono Service Award Recipient

Bob Swift

鲍勃斯威夫特创立了TCI财富合作伙伴和他的慈善机构第三个十年. third Decade®成立的目的是为年轻人提供金融教育和无冲突顾问服务. 鲍勃·斯威夫特(Bob Swift)认识到,针对年轻专业人士的金融教育存在严重缺陷. 他们的承诺是通过第三个十年计划提供专业指导和金融教育. 金融专家领导第三个十年®计划,以增加金融信心和成功.

While in your 20s and 30s, 这是规划和最大化未来财务成功的最关键时期. 财务安全更多的是关于良好的理财习惯和决策,而不是你赚了多少钱. 早年糟糕的财务决策可能会损害你多年的财务安全. At a minimum, we want you to have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make good financial decisions. 是什么让30多岁或20多岁到30多岁的人具备金融知识.

2019 NAPFA Foundation Pro-Bono Service Award Recipient

Marjorie A Bennett, CFA

At the 2019 NAPFA Fall Conference, NAPFA基金会很荣幸地向Marjorie A Bennett颁发了第二届公益服务奖, CFA, Partner at Chicago Partners Wealth Advisors. 此前,她是Aegis Capital Management, Inc .的负责人. Ms. 自1981年以来,Bennett一直参与资产管理和一般金融业务. Marjorie向NAPFA基金会的首届“一小时挑战”报告了最支持无偿的时间.

玛乔丽在基督教女青年会考艾岛成立了慈善机构“健康理财计划”. 现在已经是第三年了,它已经为考艾岛的600名客户提供了服务. 该项目始于好事达基金会的一笔拨款. It serves domestic violence survivors, single moms and dads, entrepreneurs, kapuna (elders) and school age children. 它们通过预算资源帮助弱势群体建立财务健康和独立, credit repair, investing, career coaching and access to education. 该项目提供课程、会议和一对一辅导. Participants have said “It’ll change your life”.

2018 NAPFA Foundation Pro-Bono Service Award Recipient

Stacy Francis, CFP®

In May 2018, NAPFA基金会向斯泰西·弗朗西斯颁发了首届公益服务奖, President and CEO of Francis Financial, Inc.

Stacy is the founder of the non-profit Savvy Ladies, which has helped more than 15,000 women through free one-on-one financial counseling, weekly webinars and workshops. 她有效地利用了她在金融行业的人脉,通过“精明女士”教育和授权女性控制自己的财务, and by hosting a podcast called Financially Ever After.